'':'') ]>->, Warrensburg boys wrestling senior Daniel Stark-Wroblewski picked up the Tigers lone win in a 73-3 loss to Odessa on Tuesday, Jan. document.write (document.charset ? This article is compiled from the Sedalia Police Department crime reports. The Warrensburg Police Department maintains Police Records on their arrests, searches, investigations, and the actions of police officers. Please follow the above advice and dont give out your information.
Warrensburg document info driver#
Morgan of Sedalia, was on US 50, west of NW 151st Road just before 5 p.m., when the driver fell asleep, traveled off the road and struck a guardrail, then an embankment and a yield sign. The Missouri State Highway Patrol reports that a westbound 2013 Kia Sorento, driven by 88-year-old Mary E. Suite D Warrensburg, MO, 64093 document.write (document.charset ? Number of Copies Needed* COLUMBIA, Mo. A lottery player has claimed the 200th Scratchers prize worth $1 million or more in Missouri Lottery history, reaching a new. Lockdown procedures continued, all law enforcement descended on the facility and started sweeping the hospital. 1916-Current Dates of Publication 1916-current Created / Published Warrensburg, Mo. Find out where to research arrest records and police files. 16 To have your event or meeting listed or changed, send details to or call 66. if (ntext) document.write ("&context=" + escape(ntext)) Browse | Star-Journal Local News Sort by: Featured Most recent 1049 results total, viewing 1 - 20 Community Calendar for Jan. var m3_u = (location.protocol='https:'? Last Wednesday morning, an Officer conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle near the intersection of West Broadway Boulevard and South Beacon Avenue. WARRENSBURG Johnson County residents will no longer have to travel to the Emergency Room or their primary care physician for a pick-me-up IV infusion now that 660 IV Health is open. Suite D Warrensburg, MO, 64093 Continue your flu-free streak with these tips to stay healthy this flu season. According to a report from the Johnson County Sheriffs Department, on Jthe Sheriffs Department responded to a call near Kingsville, for a reported shooting.

var m3_u = (location.protocol='https:'? People were looking for her because she was missing, a police report had been filed, and a Silver Alert was issued for the woman. document.write ("'>") screening for children entering kindergarten in the fall of 2023. She has black or brown hair and blue eyes. 15 when officers were dispatched to a business on East Russell Avenue in reference to an assault. , Knob Noster woman in serious condition after Johnson accident Julianna C.

Jefferson City, MO 65101 Phone: 57 Cody E.

if (ntext) document.write ("&context=" + escape(ntext)) Listings of locations that offer public records. document.write ("&loc=" + escape(window.location)) if( Math.max(, window.innerWidth || 0) ") SEDALIA A new wholesaler's store has opened behind west Woods with the goal of offering items at a discounted price. Friday, Chautauqua County sheriffs deputies observed an individual taking merchandise from a business on East Main Street in the village. Var m3_u = (location.protocol='https:'? - WESTFIELD - At about 3:38 p.m.